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8 Qualities of a Culture Architect

Management Futures
February 11, 2025
  1. They view the development of Culture as a key aspect of their role.
  2. They consciously seek to model the desired behaviours of the culture.

    They benchmark their own values against organisational values; frequently seeking feedback to understand their impact on the culture.
  3. They facilitate conversations about the culture.

    They are great listeners; listening at depth to understand experiences of the culture;

    They support teams to review how they’re doing against aspirational behaviours.

    They reflect on what is holding them back, and how they need to evolve the culture.

    They seek feedback from people ‘outside’ who’ve experienced the culture.

    They incorporate questions on organisational values/behaviours within project debriefs.
  4. They identify occasions when the organisation is at its best and learn from them.

    They are curious about about the heritage of the organisation, connecting current team members to historical moments of strength.
  5. They provide lots of feedback linked to culture.

    They recognise and acknowledge people who exemplify cultural values.

    They skilfully challenge people when behaviours impact negatively on the Culture;  irrespective of seniority within the organisation.
  6. They recognise culture depends on so much more than positive intent

    They identify specific skills that require investment.

    They identify processes that will nurture and strengthen the Culture.

    They are clear on what will make a difference and study other organisations that are excel in those areas.
  7. They ensure culture is a key consideration in recruitment, onboarding and promotion.
  8. They pay attention to 3 core enablers of strong Culture.  

    They ensure people are connected with the purpose of the organisation.

    They foster a sense of belonging.

    They build psychological safety.

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