In all aspects of leadership, expanding knowledge and mindset is key. That’s why – to compliment the experiential learning you’ll get on our programmes - we have compiled choice selections of our favourite leadership skills resources from elsewhere.
These include important contributions from prominent thought leaders – people and ideas we think everyone should be talking about.
This list covers how a leader Empowers others.

Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility. Patty McCord’s Talk at Google on The Netflix Culture Slide Deck.

Turn the ship around! A true story of building leaders by breaking the rules by David Marquet, told in this video.

Freedom, Inc. Free Your Employees and Let Them Lead Your Business to Higher Productivity, Profits, and Growth. Co-authors Brian Carney and Isaac Getz feature in this TED talk.

Start with Why. How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone. By Simon Sinek in this TED talk.

The Culture Code — The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups. By Daniel Coyle: watch this talk or this interview.

Leaders Eat Last. Why some teams pull together and others don’t. A Simon Sinek talk.

Drive. The surprising truth about what motivates us. By Daniel Pink in this video.

The Carrot Principle by Chester Elton, in a carrot-filled TED talk.

For more recommended resources to enhance leadership capability, click on a tag at the top of this page, or browse the whole library of Insights for Leaders.
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