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Learning Lab: What Works for Women in Coaching

Learning Labs
May 18, 2022

Learning Lab #34

In her 2013 book, Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg set out unequivocally what many women had known for years: a woman’s experience of the workplace can be very, very different from a man’s.  

A wealth of other well-researched books followed. These detail the recurring patterns and challenges that women must navigate in the workplace, and the strengths and skills they may need to do this.

So, what relevance does this have to coaching?

At MF, we believe that a good coach can coach any client. Excellent chemistry and rapport are fundamental, and what contributes enormously to this is a deep understanding of the client’s context. Coaches must clearly demonstrate that they can relate to their client’s lived experience.

The aim of this Learning Lab is to give insight into some of the patterns highlighted by research, and the challenges that still exist in the workplace for many women. You will build your understanding of the context and lived experience of working women, so that you can be the best coach for them, whether you are female or male, and whether you have experienced these challenges or not.

- This session was designed by Julia Philpott

Inspired by this Learning Lab content?

If you would you like to run a Learning Lab like this in your organisation please email info@managementfutures.co.uk and we can talk through the next steps.

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