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Learning Lab: Inclusive Leadership

Learning Labs
June 17, 2020

Learning Lab #12

The world of work has shifted.

We are adapting to that shift.

Work is more intense and focused.

Time scales for decisions are shorter. We meet virtually, often relentlessly.

The boundaries between personal and professional lives have become blurred.

Some people are less available and need greater flexibility. They will have concerns about the consequences of this.

As we scramble to respond to these challenges, our cultures must encourage inclusivity, now more than ever.

We need to tap into new ideas; to hear questions and respond to concerns without fear or favour. The greater the diversity of thought and experience we draw on, the more robust our decision making.

But under pressure we often revert to the people we know and trust best; people who understand where we’re coming from, who tend to think similarly.

The result? Well, some people will feel more excluded than ever.

At a time when innovation is paramount, it’s the people who think differently we may need to hear from the most.

Consciously taking steps to authentically include ensures everyone feels part of the work we’re doing. We need people to share their ideas and their circumstances. Do this well and we will benefit from renewed energy, creativity and commitment.

The desire to create an inclusive environment is never enough. It also takes skill, self-awareness and conscious effort.

The rewards can be exponential.

- This session was designed by Shona Crooks and Toby Sawyer

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